Lessons that I learn on my Journey/ Recreating the New Self
I wanted to cover as much cost as I can on this journey. It is not cheap one. The passport and to make it done faster, flights, travel insurance, guide and all "little cost" from adapter, white clothes..
So I put in my healing triangle a quest for a little help. The morning after I started to getting calls from clients wanted to book for massage, beauty treatment or healing.
All of them were messengers that point out the frame of questions that I need to ask in front of John of God.
The first lady came in and after a healing session, she started to talk about the healing and changing the patterns that we carry from generations to generations. Many things we believe it is us, but it is in us as a pattern created by our ancestors and we simply follow it because it has always been so.
She said to me that she is changing this within her and her daughter by being different, changing her hearth, her mind, her thoughts and being. Evolving so to say!
Wow! It clicked to me why all of my life I want to do opposite, different then it has been always done. Quickly I got the pictures of my life flying like on a movie screen in my mind; when I decided to become a vegetarian, study Vedas (holy Indian scriptures), travel where non on my family's been to, and got married on a unconventional way. Just go in front of the wedding register and do it. No big stress about it, no big banquets and making people stress about what to wear, how much to spend..It is my thing, my happiness and I wanted to be real and it was. No ego, show off way, how it is custom to do things like that..No I did it My Way!
Sometimes I thought to myself why I have to be always different, sometimes is annoying to always have this urge to show another side of a medal, be not like the most of society is..
But when this client explain it, it clicked with me for the first time. Now with clear understanding of why, I can do my way with even more determination. I'm doing the work not just for me, then for the generations to come. I'm changing the DNA of my family and society.
You are not born to fit in, you are born to stand out. Be original, think and do differently if it is right for you, if it make your hearth dance. You are born to change the World into better place!
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