Experience of taking Passiflora herbs

 When you go in front of the Entity and if you are about to have intervention, or if you are showing pictures of people in need of healing, you will most likely be prescribed a supplement of Passionflower.
My personal experience is very subtle changes in your awareness. Things in you are shifting.
 I'm having incredible dreams since I'm taking them. Some of my dreams are like past life, some dreams are like astral travel to gathering of a masters.
The very important thing is to be resting after your intervention for 40 days.
 After I came home I started to overdo things. I was cleaning the house, doing the gardening, running around..Then I got very bad sore throat and who knows what else that I don't know. It was that bad that my temperature was high and I had to spend days in bed. I also had to see a doctor that prescribed me antibiotics. I usually take everything natural, but since I have non to help me with my baby here except my husband that need to work, I couldn't afford to be in bed for days and had to seek doctor help for quicker recovery.
I guess this is one of the lessons I needed to learn and probably I mixed up the stitches from the operation inside, and really needed antibiotic.
Since your chakras are wide open for 40 days after the intervention, you really don't feel like going too much among too many people.

Here is more about the herbal supplement:
Herbal Supplements prescribed by the Entity, when taken as directed, have a powerful immune building and healing quality. The attending Spirit Entity directs divine energy into each bottle specifically for the recipient according to what the Entity observes in the person before him, or in a photograph presented to him. Although the containers may appear to be the same, no two regimens are alike: your herbs are specifically energized for you.
These ‘distance healing’ herbs prescribed are passionflower and are formulated from the passion flower. There are no ingredients within these herbs that will interfere with other medication or western medical protocols. These herbs are specifically imbued with energy by the Entity to support you on the mental, spiritual and physical levels.

Each prescription bottle contains 60 capsules, which lasts for about 2 months. You will take 1 capsule, 3 times per day.  The capsules contain only Passionflower, an herb derived from the Passion Flower. It has absolutely no effect on your current medications or herbal/homeopathic medicines. This innocuous herb is merely a vehicle to carry the entities’ healing energy directly to you. What makes your RX yours is that the entities have blessed your medication specifically for you.
.While taking these herbs, you must respect a few rules & dietary restrictions:
-Take 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Space the dosage at even breaks in the day, e.g. every 4 hours in a 12-hour day.
-Do not stop taking your current medications!
The herbs are meant only as a spiritual healing supplement. They won’t affect any of your other medicines, supplements or vitamins.
-Follow the Casa diet:
2) NO PEPPERS OR SPICY FOOD – This means no pepper of any kind. No black pepper, white pepper, red pepper, cayenne pepper, etc… none, nyhet, nein, nada! And yes, it does make things difficult at times, especially eating out, doing frozen or prepared meals, or going to dinner parties. But them’s the rules. (Sweet peppers are okay, like green, red, yellow bell peppers, etc.)
3) NO FERTILIZED EGGS – No eggs that involve a rooster shall be consumed! If you live in the US and purchase your eggs from a grocery store, you likely won’t have a problem. If you purchase locally, be sure to ask your farmer :) Eggs made by a hen without an intimate rendezvous with a rooster are fine.


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