Miracle Copaiba Oil from Amazonian Shamans, found me in Aadiania!

One day I felt urge to walk a small side street in Abadiania to explore. It was almost magnetic pull that took me all the way down to the end of the hill. On my way back I noticed a small entrance to the house and garden full of crystals and holy relics. There were two persons there and the man saw me and invited me to join them. I recognized the man as a volunteer at the Casa that had his miraculous healing. He couldn't walk at all, and with sincere service and change of the personality, he gain his healing.I saw the little video about him on the You tube some time ago. His name is Joseph. He is a Amazonian shaman and very pious person. I was immediately attracted by his crystals that were natural, uncut, unpolished. And I got one cluster to take home. There was a lady there that often come to visit him, and hear his stories and I heard later that she was the disciple of Marcel Vogel. The person that invented the famous Vogel cut for crystal wands and knew crystals inside ...