When you go in front of the Entity and if you are about to have intervention, or if you are showing pictures of people in need of healing, you will most likely be prescribed a supplement of Passionflower. My personal experience is very subtle changes in your awareness. Things in you are shifting. I'm having incredible dreams since I'm taking them. Some of my dreams are like past life, some dreams are like astral travel to gathering of a masters. The very important thing is to be resting after your intervention for 40 days. After I came home I started to overdo things. I was cleaning the house, doing the gardening, running around..Then I got very bad sore throat and who knows what else that I don't know. It was that bad that my temperature was high and I had to spend days in bed. I also had to see a doctor that prescribed me antibiotics. I usually take everything natural, but since I have non to help me with my baby here except my husband that need to work, I co...