Two days before departure to see John of God
I've been having a lot of realizations since I've decided to make this trip. The most painful one is that people that are close to my heart and need help, doesn't really want it now and are not as open minded as I thought they are. The hardest thing is to respect their decision on not helping themselves. It must be like that with the angels and all those spiritual helpers, that are just waiting to be called for help, but non really call them.
In this video clip there is a scene from my favorite movie Astral City, where light beings are trying to give helping hand to those that walk in darkness, but not everyone is ready to go to the light.
It is really like that in our lives. No one can help us until we decide to help ourselves, really and truly change, love where there it seems impossible to love, forgive when it seems pointless, and grow, learn to become a better self. When we really decide to take that step, then we are ready to use help of a helping hand. Before that we don't see, we are in dark. We feel pity for ourselves, lament and blame others for our situation, making things worse to ourselves and to those that we care about. When we care about ourselves, we care for those we love. And sometimes when it is hard to love yourself you remember it is not about you, do it for the sake of those who really care about you. God really help those that help themselves;-)
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