About Giving and Recieving

I'm born in the family where the giving were the part of our culture. We didn't know esoteric side of it, but it felt good.
 Usually in my healing studio, I forget on time. I surrender to the process and I give how much is needed to the person. Some people will have their treatment finished on time, some will need some extra and I give it. I don't charge for it cause I usually say it is my fault;-) It is actually my mission in life to help and give.
Financially as my accountant husband say, it is not profitable but I get and have so much profit from it. I used to work in Croatia with the people that really needed help, and I used to get only blessings for the payment.
Now 10 years after I live in a so much better place, where abundant people are my clients and they usually even leave extra for the treatment. I know that blessings from those Croatians who couldn't pay me, bought me a ticket for this awesome life that I'm having in Australia.
Now that I'm about to travel to the pilgrimage of my life, when my wildest dreams are coming true this is also due to the giving I've done in past 10 years ..

 Giving is the form of blessing that makes you abundant, instantly. When you give you confirm that you "have", and when you have and give, the same energy comes back to you. It is a law of the Universe, simply as that. Put it into practice, and see the magic!!

It is not an empty phrase, I'm living the dream! When you change, things around you change too. Look more with your heart less with your left side of the brain. Some great things in life only the hearth money can buy!


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