What can you learn from your fridge;-)

Do you feel like you need more structure, organization in your life? I'm not the type of strong following the schedule and rules, but they are there for reason. And we could really used them for our own good.
I haven't organised my fridge for a long time. Recently few of my friends told me they feel like they need some structure and clean head. I thought what is this telling me, I have to pay attention here since others are reflection of me. I came to an idea to start from my fridge.
After I have done the cleaning and sorting things out the message came. The message was to show me that when we organise the things from inside, although they might not be seen they will guide our life on more peaceful and organised way. Things that were rotten and expired, will be removed from us. We will know where something is, and that will make our thoughts clearer and it will save us a time of searching. We will see where we are and where we want to go, healthier or less healthy way. Just pay attention what you have been accumulated there. How many processed food, artificial spreads, sauces,canned food.. That will tell you do you make enough time for yourself, for your healthy thoughts and what is important to you.
Many have program that eating healthy is expensive, but when we get sick we spend much more on getting better. It is all about you, how you care to be good. We can't blame anyone for our own life choices, we can only make sure we are doing and being, the proper ones.
So if you are felling stuck and need that something in your life, start from your fridge. Change the look and the color of it, in more joyful way. Your life will just follow that new energy!


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