Juicing Versus Smoothing and how they can help you!


There is a dynamite documentary : " Hungry for Change" you Must see! I knew for it for some time but it didn't ring a bell. Since I'm vegetarian for almost 25 years, I thought I don't need to watch it, I'm doing healthy diet already. But little did I know.
My diet is full of fresh greens and I don't even buy much of the processed food. The most processed food I get are the spreads that I use to make my hubby lunch sandwiches. But mainly in the morning I will have fruit or some Ezekiel sprouted bread with some avocado, some soup or salad with legumes for lunch or dinner. What was worrying me were the little signals my body was sending me. Since I had my baby I don't have much time for a proper exercise. Since the Winter kicked in and I can't go to the beach to swim, I started to feel unease in my knees and my body as sluggish. Also on my skin I started to notice some blemishes. All that showed me that my body is a bit acidic and out of balance.
My many sleepless night and not stretching my kapha type body, started giving me alarm. On mental and emotional plane I noticed busyness too. So much things to do, so little time to just be in meditation.
In this documentary I heard that we are starving not of hunger then of nutrients. One thing streaked me was that you can't possibly take enough greens during the day if you don't juice them.
Imagine to eat all of this greens in one or two go! No way!

We had a blender and were smoothing regularly, specially for my toddler. But I could have one cup of smoothie and that was it. I always thought smoothing is better since you have it all in there, while with just juice you can take too much sugar. Yes, that is true if you are juicing just and mainly fruit.
So I've decide to not go on juicing fast straight away, then implement juicing into my diet, better then taking multivitamin pill.
First day I just did the veggie juice with celery mainly, cucumber and ginger. This combination is great for liver detox.I had this for dinner and in the morning before my breakfast.
What happen is that my body was vibrating, almost like I came from the gym after not exercising for a long time. I could feel every fibre in my body vibrating happily  with the real fuel for it.
 My mind and thoughts were sharper, and I started to write more. Even my desire to do new things, go different places started to happen.
I couldn't believe that just some juice can do this. We are taking the pure energy from the nature in the form of juices, that is making our energy body clear.
In the morning and during the day I had funny feeling in my stomach and went to the toilet twice. It felt like something cleared me totally from inside.
Next day I continued. I had some apples, carrots, ginger, celery and bhok chois.
Today is my third day and I'm amazed how my skin is smooth and started to shine. Not shine from oil, but some supple wholesome shine.I even wake up earlier then usual and want to express myself by writing.
I would love to encourage everyone to give this juices a go. Try for a week or two, see what happen to you!
I would love to try the juice fast for some time. I was reading about it and here is what I have learn:

For “meal times” (breakfast, lunch and dinner), it is very normal to drink about 17-27 oz (approx. 500ml to 800ml) each time in place of a solid food meal, and it can be quite filling. Drink your juice slowly and enjoy the taste, don’t gulp it down. Drink only as much as your body can take at any one time, comfortably. Listen to your body, it will tell you when it wants more, or if it’s got enough.
As a general rule, most juice feasters drink somewhere between one and three quarts of juices a day (approximately one to three liters a day). This is in addition to other fluids — water and herbal teas.
Vary the types of juices you drink throughout your fast, so that you receive a wide range of nutrients that your body needs. But tend to take more vegetable (green) juices than fruit juices.

There is a great recepie for overall cleansing the whole system from the nathuropat that is leading the Cinic for cleansing in Serbia called Dr. Milovan Milosevic.

This is the recepie of the juice that you can have for lunch and dinner up to 3L a day.
You can combine a veggie juices with herbs depending on your inspiration for each day for the 7 day period.
2 beetroots
3 carrot
3 apples

 Great liver cleanse juice recepie that you drink every morning for 7. days. Every day you increase the spoon of olive oil and garlic.

250ml water
250ml apple juice
3 parts of garlic
1tb of olive oil
ginger (in the size length of your thumb)

Second week it is good to go for Kindey cleanse. You have this juice for breakfast for 7 days:

500-1000ml purified water

Juice of one lemon or two lemons for 1000ml of water

Even a journey of a thousands steps begins with the first step!

I'm wishing you happy juicing,


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