Do's and Don't's during the Solar Eclipse, according to the ancient Vedic Scriptures! (Why the Eclipses are NOT auspicious moments according to Vedas)

Vedas consider the cosmos, including the planets, to be filled with innumerable forms of living beings (The Sun and Moon are called planets in the Vedic astrology). The physical bodies of these planets as we see them are abodes, dwelling places for immortal soul of the personality of this planet. The physical body of a planet might live billion times longer than us, but eventually they do not escape the destiny of all material creation – the demolition.  The Sun and Moon have the same atma (soul) as all living beings (humans, animals, plants, and minerals). Vedas even give the size of an individual atma: 1/10,000 of the cross section of a human hair. The personalities of the planets are much more potent than ours, however, so we barely can withstand their influence.
Surya and Chandra are the names for the Sun and Moon individuality. As individuality these planets have their attributes, which interact with the similar ones of us. During the eclipse, when a planet is shadowed, her weak, not the best features are manifested.

As the ancient Indian legend goes, an eclipse occurs when the shadowy demon Rahu Ketu gets his revenge on the Sun and the Moon by consuming them and stealing their luminous rays. Their pure, creative energy gets twisted and dark during the eclipse and for a few days after.
The truth, according to Vedic Astrology, is that eclipses can be a terrible time to start or end projects, relationships, jobs, or any other important thing in the material world. This is because auspicious beginnings are blessed with light, ideally the light of a healthy, full Moon and the daytime Sun. With Rahu and Ketu gobbling up this light and warping it in unseen ways, anything you start could turn out very strangely, and you may regret ending something as well…
During eclipse (in smaller degree at full moon) we may experience fear, worry, irresponsible car driving, tendency to complain and whine, sensitivity and hyper reaction to “injustice”. We should be aware of our own emotions and those of the others and realise that the behaviour of others might not be what they really mean. The situations we encounter around the eclipse time tempt us to react negatively, create a conflict, or argue. Those temptations will decline as soon as we go over that time. Sun eclipse can interfere in our interrelation with authorities. Be extremely careful.
The eclipses are considered to have a negative influence on all beings. That doesn’t mean that we become innocent victims of “bad” Sun and Moon. This is our karma, the result of our past deeds, which get activated during these events. Saints, who produce no karma, live beyond planetary influences.
The negative influence starts 7-10 days before, is the strongest at the moment of the eclipse and gradually fades after it. The best position is to be a witness, not a participant of all the unusual things that might happen at this time. It is recommended not to start anything new around the eclipses time unless this action has been very carefully planned long before and is not a spontaneous movement of the moment. If you all of the sudden are suggested to start a new career, or you self just get an idea of a project, this is not supposed to be auspicious. This time is meant for contemplation or for realisation of projects you are already involved with. Of course, it is better not to conceive a new life during this inauspicious period. 

 What is the best thing to do during an eclipse?

Eclipses are a great time to stay in, meditate, and do your inner work.  In fact, they provide an especially rich opportunity to connect with spirit because the ‘veils’ are thin.

 On Monday, August 21, 2017, set your clear intentions to have a successful, joyful, authentic, and wholesome life. Plant the seeds of harmony, understanding, and love so they can grow deep roots during the rest of the year.

On the other hand do not, on the day of an eclipse or the few days surrounding it, start an important new project, sign a contract, make a deal, or any other material activity if you have another option. It is strongly recommended for pregnant ladies, to stay indoors during eclipse!

You’re probably not being shown all of the details about the situation, or you may not be thinking completely clearly at this time, so it’s best to wait.
Something I’ve noticed is that the 2 weeks between eclipses (the eclipse cycle) is a bit of a “Twilight Zone.” Things suddenly veer off into an unexpected direction, only to course correct after the second (or last) eclipse.

One of the most important things to check about an eclipse is to see if it’s visible where you are at the time that it happens. Where it’s visible, its effects are more pronounced.

The Solar eclipse will be visible in Western Europe, North/East Asia, North/West Africa, North America, most of South America, and the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans.
This Solar eclipse is likely to pack more of a punch than the Lunar eclipse that precedes it. Solar eclipses are usually tougher because the Moon is always new/dark, which removes the Moon’s vital energy from our environment at that time. This one involves all the planets except Jupiter, and Rahu Ketu are going to move signs in between the two eclipses, which could get interesting.
Most importantly, this total Solar eclipse is completely visible in North America and Western Europe which is a particularly ominous sign for the Western world.
So the next time someone tells you to do something important on an eclipse, send them this link so that they can learn another perspective and make an informed decision. You could be doing them a huge favour!

Much love,


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