Do's and Don't's during the Solar Eclipse, according to the ancient Vedic Scriptures! (Why the Eclipses are NOT auspicious moments according to Vedas)

Vedas consider the cosmos, including the planets, to be filled with innumerable forms of living beings (The Sun and Moon are called planets in the Vedic astrology). The physical bodies of these planets as we see them are abodes, dwelling places for immortal soul of the personality of this planet. The physical body of a planet might live billion times longer than us, but eventually they do not escape the destiny of all material creation – the demolition. The Sun and Moon have the same atma (soul) as all living beings (humans, animals, plants, and minerals). Vedas even give the size of an individual atma: 1/10,000 of the cross section of a human hair. The personalities of the planets are much more potent than ours, however, so we barely can withstand their influence. Surya and Chandra are the names for the Sun and Moon individuality. As individuality these planets have their attributes, which interact with the similar ones of us. During the eclipse, when a planet is shadowed, ...