How to use Solstice Energy, to help you achieve your goals and bring 'New You'
If you feel like your throat is blocked or your back is aching, you are living in the past too much.
Today is the day to change that.
If you are in the Summer, take your shoes off and walk bare feet. Feel the Mother Earth beneath you, connect with her heart beat. Hug the tree and ask him to fill you with fresh energy. Breath mindfully and deeply, feel every sip of fresh air. See your lungs filling up with fresh energy and distributing it to every cell. See this new energy as a doorway to your new growth. New you, sometimes might frighten you because you won't fit in old frame and you might block it from fully happening. Ask to be supported, pray, contemplate because your destiny is not to hide, you need to sprout and become a tree. You will then bear fruits and many will feed from it, with joy. Don't hide from your potential, work on it. Only you can want and do this.
Look at your life now, examine are you happy with how you look, with what you do, where you want to go and be? If the answer is no, if you have too much doubts it is time for a change.
If it is Winter, it is the time to go inside and see what is there. It is time to retreat, study and contemplate to make a giant leap of faith. To further encourage you, today I want to share some old ways of how you can help this change to occur and prepare for New moon and new You!
In the Northern Hemisphere, the June Solstice represents the peak of the year and the point of highest energy. The Summer Solstice is a time of light, masculinity and outward expansion.
are important and ritualistic days that were designed to celebrate the
changing of the seasons and a new energy.
In the Southern Hemisphere we are blessed with a lower energy that is better used for rest and reflection.
Even though there are differences in the energy of the Solstice, the
planetary or cosmic energy is the same no matter where you live.In the sky, the planets are gearing up for the Super New Moon which falls on the 23-24th of June. This Super New Moon is part of a longer cycle that started back in May and will help to crystallize things and bring about a fresh new beginning.
This energy, along with the Solstice is going to be guiding all of us to start thinking about our life in a new way.
We are going to be guided to assess and review our thoughts, words and actions, and to make adjustments that reflect the life that we wish to lead.
The cosmic energy around the Solstice and leading up to the New Moon holds an intense energy, almost like the heavens are beaming down on us and lighting up areas of our lives that need our attention.
We are all going to be called to step into our fullest potential and begin aligning with our purpose and our highest path.
The Solstice energy is going to be beckoning us to welcome in the new and to celebrate why we are here and what mission our soul has come to serve.
This is an excellent time to revaluate your life and to go after any goals, dreams or wishes that have been on your mind.
The time also has come to take a leap of faith and start putting your plans into action. Don’t be afraid, the time to start is now.
In the Northern Hemisphere the time is perfect to reach out to others, collaborate and put your ideas out into the world for other people to see.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the time is perfect to brainstorm, make notes and channel your creativity to come up with solutions, strategies and new ideas.
We have all reached the point in the year where it is time to get out of our comfort zones, rise up and put plans into action. It is time to build bigger dreams, have higher ambitions and to find more and more joy.
In fact, if you don’t know where to start with all of this energy, start by following your joy and the rest will fall into place.
Summer Solstice celebrates the longest day of the year, a day that is believed
to hold the greatest energy, prosperity, vitality and strength.
Pagan times, the Summer Solstice was referred to as Litha and rituals were
conducted to honour the Sun gods, the Divine Light and the element of fire.
would rejoice and energize themselves under the warm light of the sun,
believing that because the Sun was strongest that day, so too was God.
the Summer Solstice is a time when Yang energy is high as well as the Root,
Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra.
there are many ways that you can pay tribute to the sun including spending time
outdoors, bringing nature into your home, setting up a fairy garden, doing yoga
sun salutations, chakra mediations or lighting a candle.
a protective amulet for the year ahead that is charged with the energy of the
solstice is also a great way to capture the energy and vitality of the
Sun. Here’s how:
- Choose your favorite or a new crystal that evokes feelings of strength, passion, fertility, prosperity, creativity, fire or any other energy that you relate to the Sun.
- Go outside and create a little altar adorned with a mandala of orange, yellow or red flowers. Alternatively you can decorate your altar with orange, red and yellow fruits and vegetables or herbs.
- Your altar should also include a small bowl of water to help balance the energy. Keep a space in the center of your Mandala or altar for your crystal.
- Place your Crystal over your heart or stomach and set your intention- what energy do you want to bring in for the rest of the year?
- There are no “rules” what intention you create, but because we are dealing with the energy of the Sun, try to set an intention that is based on taking action.
- Place your crystal in the center of your Altar or Mandala and allow it to soak up the energy of the Sun- best done from sunrise to sunset.
- To help your intention to be received, spend the day enjoy yourself and basking in the warm, prosperous rays of the Sun.
Winter Solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the
Sun and is believed to hold a powerful energy for regeneration, renewal and
Pagan times the Winter Solstice was referred to as Yule and was a celebration
of the Goddess (Moon) energy. It was believed that on this day, the Moon would
give birth to the Sun.
of this, many celebrated Yule as a day where light reigned over darkness and
believed it was a sign of good things to come.
like the Summer Solstice, the Winter Solstice was also celebrated with fire however,
while the Summer Solstice was more about fertility, the Winter Solstice was
honoured as a time of birth or the start of a new cycle.
was traditionally celebrated by lighting a candle or decorating trees with
holly. In fact, many Yule rituals have been adopted in the celebration of
there are many ways you can celebrate the Winter Solstice such as spending time
writing in a journal, inner reflection, doing dream work or meditation, working
on your Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras
and bringing more Yin energy into the home.
can also celebrate with a Goddess bath on the night of the Winter Solstice to
help clear away the old and welcome the new. Here’s how:
- Fill up a bath with warm (not hot) water and light some candles or incense around the bath.
- Next, you want to add cleansing herbs to the bath such as sage, chamomile, basil, peppermint, cinnamon, sandalwood, lavender or rosemary. You can add them dried, fresh or as essential oils.
- As you sink into the warm water, imagine yourself being purified and cleansed from your feet all the way up to your head. Allow yourself to relax into the water and imagine all the old and unnecessary thoughts and feelings being washed away by the energy of the night.
- Honour your shadow self and offer your fears to the Mother Moon. Allow her to give you the power to re-birth them into something new and positive.
- After the ritual, drain the tub water out completely and discard the herbs outside in the moonlight.
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