How to use Papaya leaves for Cancer cure and More!

Yesterday I heard of neighbour that cured his cancer years ago by drinking papaya leaves tea! I went to do little research and found how to do this special tea. Since I know at least three friends that are fighting this nowdays common disease, I decided to share this as it might be something that can help. This is just one of the ways and there are many ways out there. When Louise Hay had a cancer the first thing she did she went to the good nutritionist to learn how to eat properly and good. These days everyone knows meat and proccessed food cause cancer and organic, raw food and juicing are balancing body. Another thing she did, she found the good psychotherapist to deal with her issues. You see any desease not just cancer is not created from yesterday. There is big history in your thoughts, feelings that created habits that are not good for you. When body can't store this "data" anymore it erupt like a volcano into some kind of desease. And what we do? We are acc...